Why Living In The Harry Potter Universe Would Be Scary AF

Rose Burke
4 min readMar 4, 2020

Several years ago, I was asked to write a piece about what it would be like to live in the Harry Potter universe. More specifically, why living in a world full of dementors and dark lords would hardly be the fairytale we all think it would be.

While the article covered some of the more PG-rated reasons why being a muggle isn’t so bad, it got me thinking of some of the more serious reasons why the Harry Potter universe is so fecked up.

Here’s a look at why the world created by J.K. Rowling is scary AF.

Slavery Is The Norm

In case you’re unaware, house-elves are wildly mistreated in the HP universe. They’re enslaved by most older wizarding families who force them to literally do everything. From carrying their master’s purses and scrubbing their toilets, to testing their master’s meals and potions for possible poisons, it’s all in the day of a house-elf.

And because they’re magically enslaved, they must follow their master’s wishes or else they’re forced to punish…



Rose Burke

Satirical writer taking on life’s cruel sense of humor one word at a time. Published by The Independent, TSR, The Conium Review, and more. www.RoseBurke.com